Category Archives: Discussion

2017 Camping Gift Ideas for Any Budget!!!

These are my 5 2017 camping gift ideas for any budget!!! I tried to pick items that anyone would be excited to open while still keeping a budget in mind. So here a are 5 camping gift ideas that are high quality and will still fit any budget!!!

Saw – (USA) (Canada)
Mora Garberg – (USA) (Canada)
Mora Companion – (USA) (Canada)
Sawyer – (USA) (Canada)
Anker – (USA) (Canada)
Camping and Woodcraft – (USA) (Canada)
Bushcraft 101 – (USA) (Canada)

Check Out My Gear –


My New Puppy AKA Mora The Wolf Puppy

This is my Puppy her name is Mora as in the Mora Companion which is one of the best budget camping knives in my opinion. She is a German Shepherd and I love her to death!!! I can’t wait to take her camping and teach her how to start fires and use a knife…. She is a dog, all she will do is bark at squirrels and eat random things laying around lol.


How To Clean A Rusty Knife!!!

I get asked how to clean a rusty knife all the time. In this video, I will show the tools I use to erase rust and maintain my knives. Also, how I build the confidence to use my more expensive knives.
Rust Eraser –

Mora Companion –

DC4 Sharpener –

For more information go to

If You love to Shop make sure to Save/Bookmark this link –

Wolf Pack Woodcraft Merchandise –…

I get all my YouTube Thumbnails and Tags from TubeBuddy!!!


kids playing

Kids Camping – Tips and Tricks

When you are camping with kids there are some things that make it much easier. Here are some tips and tricks to help keep everyone comfortable and safe in the woods.

  1. Bring Water Guns – Having water guns not only are a form of the game tag or many other games.  It also helps in keeping everyone entertained and cool as well. The hot sun can be uncomfortable sometimes and the evaporative cooling that comes with a good old-fashioned water fight can help playing
  2. Bring Small Snacks – Having fun is so easy to do when you are out in nature. Running and playing can build an appetite but who has time to sit and eat? Small ziplock bags of healthy snacks can keep kids energized without stopping any of the fun.
  3. Bring a small Tarp or Rug – Small toys seem to be every kid’s favorite thing to bring.  Make sure nothing gets lost or stepped on, by bringing a tarp or rug that all small toys must be kept on at all times. Not only does this contain the mess but it makes clean up that much quicker.
  4. Camp Toys – Toys that replicate camp activities not only allow your kid to learn camp basics but also allows them to be a part of what’s going on.  Having Their own camp stove and tools will teach them so much. (See Video Below)
  5. Glow Sticks – Using glow stick necklaces at night are not only fun but can help in locating and identify everyone. My sons favorite color is green so every night he puts on his green glow stick. Not only can we find him but we know it’s him from the green glowing neck.

camping list

6. Teddy Bear – always make sure your camping list has your kids comfort items from home. That security blanket or teddy bear could make the difference in how everyone sleeps that night, and how crabby everyone is the next morning!

Camping List for Beginners

Having a camping list can not only save you time packing but can also guarantee your comfort and relaxation in the woods.  This Camping list is just going to cover some of the basic beginner camping gear that you should bring but like any list, adding and modifying items is always going to be a must. So feel free to leave a comment sharing your camping list and the things you think every beginner needs.

Let’s Start!

  1. Ground Tarp – Putting a tarp under your tent will increase the lifespan of your tent by keeping sticks and pine needles from poking holes in the bottom. It will also help by keeping the moisture from the morning dew from soaking into your tent floor.
  2. Tent – Having a private place to change, escape the elements, and get a good night sleep is a must when you are out enjoying nature.
  3. Air Mattress – A comfortable nights sleep is very important especially after a long day of hiking, swimming, fire building, and enjoying the great outdoors.
  4. Air Mattress Pump – Being able to easily inflate your air mattress saves on a lot of frustration just make sure to the batteries are charged.
  5. Sleeping Bag – Having a sleeping bag that is rated to the temperature you are going to be sleeping through is key to a good night sleep. Sleeping bags that are rated to warm will be too hot all night but too low of a rating and you will freeze. So always make sure to check the weather and plan accordingly remember you can always bring extra blankets.
  6. Pillow – There are many different kinds of camp pillows on the market but just bringing what you have at home is always a good comfortable option just make sure to wash the pillow case when you get home.

Now you should have a nice place to call home for the night or weekend depending on your trip but, what are we going to cook with? There are a ton of options when it comes to camp cooking but just to get you started let’s start this list like this.

  1. Camp Stove – This stove is very easy to use and works much like the propane stoves you find in some homes. All you need is a full canister and you are ready to cook anything you want just like you would on a stove top. Just remember to keep a close eye on everything because it’s hard to gauge how much heat is being put out.
  2. Grill Lighter – Having a grill lighter makes starting your camp stove and the fire pit much easier because you are able to reach down into the center of your tinder. You can find these at any local gas station.
  3.  Cookware – When it comes to pots and pans this really comes down to personal preference. Some people go very minimal with small pans and cups. While others who love to cook go all out with full sized pots and pans and eat like a king in the woods. Both have their pros and cons.
  4. Cooking Utensils – Making sure you can flip your bacon is a must in my book. Again this is different for everyone, some people use a fork while others bring actual kitchen utensils. There are a ton of camping options for this one so make sure to do your research.
  5. Eating Utensils – The minimal spork is always a camp favorite but cheap plastic silverware works just as well and save on time you spend on clean up.
  6. Plates and Bowls – Again there are a ton of lightweight options for packable plates and bowls but paper plates and wax paper bowls will save you time on cleanup and give you more time enjoying the great outdoors.
  7. Cooler – Your cooler is your outdoor mini fridge just make sure you bring lots of ice to keep the food and drinks cold. A trick I use is freezing water in old Gatoraid bottles before the trip. I can use the bottles as ice to keep the cooler cold but as they melt I have water to drink during the day.
  8. Water Jug – It’s time to do the dishes. When you are out camping you don’t always have running water. So by having a water jug, it makes things like clean up that much easier. I always bring bottles of water to drink and just use my water jug for cleanup.

Now that our bellies are full let’s go over some more items I think should be on everyone’s camping list.

  1. Sunblock
  2. Bug Spray
  3. Hand Sanitizer
  4. Shower Bag
  5. Toilet Bag
  6. Towels
  7. Cotton Bandana
  8. Clothes
  9. Swimwear
  10. Knife
  11. Axe
  12. Folding Saw
  13. Camera
  14. Spare Batteries
  15. Flashlight
  16. Map/Compass
  17. Fire Starter
  18. Gorilla Tape
  19. Knife Sharpener
  20. Good Book
  21. Camp Chair
  22. Water Filter

What would you add? Make sure to leave your comments and let others know your Camping List when enjoying a relaxing weekend at camp.

The 10 C’s of Survivability

We have already gone over the original 5 C’s of Survivability. Now we will cover the next 5 C’s that will better round out your kit. The 10 C’s of survivability are how I start off every kit or list of gear I need. Each piece of the 10 C’s kit is very important to have on you when out in the woods.

Candling Device – Having light can turn any situation into a much safer more relaxed environment. Being able to see what you are facing is huge in any situation and having the ability to have the sense of sight in a dark area makes basic movement that much easier. I usually always carry a flashlight on me whether it’s just a small one in my pocket or a much larger more powerful one in my pack or vehicle. One of the best options for in camp is a headlamp, wearing a headlamp allows you to light up whatever you are looking at while still having both hands free to perform task around camp.

Compass – Having a compass that points north and helps you find your escape route is very important. Just as important is knowing your area and having a plan so when things don’t go as planned you have a general direction to head to avoid major threats. knowing which direction the highway is or a major river makes the compass that much more of a tool to help aid you in self-help or self-rescue. Also, having a compass with a mirror and magnifying glass makes your compass a very versatile piece of kit.

Cotton – Having a cotton bandana is a very important and useful piece of kit. It can be used to help in first aid, filtering water, can be turned into char cloth, protects from the sun and the wind, and when wet it can be used to help cool you down on a hot day. There are tons of uses for a cotton bandana and the uses are extended if you choose to carry a shemagh which is basically the same thing only larger.

Cargo Tape – Having Cargo tape I prefer Gorilla Tape can aid you in many ways as well. It can help with repairs, help waterproof holes in tarps or clothes, can be broken down into a flammable tinder bundle, not to mention all the other things that can be made out of tape such as bowls and cups.

Canvas Needle – Having a sail needle doesn’t seem like a very important piece of kit to carry but it can perform in many different ways. Having a sharp sail needle can be used to help dig out slivers or splinters, it can also be used to punch holes in leather, or start a hole in a piece of wood to start carving out a bow drill set. If the needle is magnetized it can also be turned into a compass to help find your north/south line to help aid in finding your way back to camp.

Having all 10 C’s allows you to have all the tools needed to find your way, shelter in place, or safely navigate through the woods. So all of my kits Start with the 10 C’s which are Cutting, Combustion, Container, Cordage, Cover, Candling device, Compass, Cotton, Cargo tape, Canvas needle. These basic pieces of gear will help keep you safe and somewhat comfortable in the woods. also by having pieces that serves more than one purpose can help you that much more, such as a compass that also has a mirror.


With Tick and Mosquito season underway what are some of the things you use to keep them away what is your outdoor bug protection?

I start every season by treating all my clothes, tarps, tents, backpacks, and any other fabric with Sawyer Permethrin. The reason I like using Permethrin even tho it can not be used on skin is because it not only keeps Ticks, Chiggers, Mitts, and Mosquitos away it kills them on contact. I have watched a tick start to climb up my pants and was killed before it even made it to my knee. Plus it stays on your clothes through 6 loads of laundry so you don’t need to treat your clothes every time you go into the woods.

Second I always make sure to bring Sawyer Maxi-Deet this can be applied to the skin to help aid in keeping the Ticks, Chiggers, Mitts, and Mosquitos away in the first place. There is an ongoing joke that the MN state bird is the Mosquito, they can be very thick at times and being able to keep them away is key to keeping your sanity out in the woods. Plus the Ticks are known to carry Lymes disease and other illness so keeping them away is a must.

My Favorite Mora Knives

  1. Mora Companion – This was my first Mora and it has served me very well I can’t think of a better budget fix blade. I have the Carbon steel blade because it is able to strike sparks off the spine and can be used in many other ways. It does, however, come in a Stainless steel option.
  2. Mora Bushcraft Black – Once I got the bug, I had to get the Bushcraft Black. It is very similar to the Companion but with a more rubberized handle that I find to be a lot more comfortable. It also has a 90-degree spine which aids in scraping bark and striking a ferro rod.
  3. Mora Pro C – In one of my BattlBox I received the Mora Pro C it has a much different feel than the Companion but it still has that hard plastic handle. The handle is very comfortable and has a very nice hand guard to keep you from slipping onto the blade. The blade is Carbon steel and much shorter than the Companion. My plan was to give this knife to my young son as his first fixed blade but the more I use it the more I wanna keep it for myself.
  4. Mora Kansbol – This is one of Mora’s newer blades. I hope to one day get my hands on one and see how it compares to my Bushcraft Black.
  5. Mora Garberg – It wouldn’t be a Mora list if it didn’t include Mora’s first ever Full Tang knife. I would love to own one of these knives I can’t imagine what the engineering of this knife includes. They took everything good they have ever done to a Mora, wrapped it up into one package and then made it a full tang. The price shows that they didn’t skimp out on quality but like I said I would love to own one of these bad boys some day.