Category Archives: YouTube Videos

Come join Wolf Pack Woodcraft and be a part of a Pack of like-minded people that can Learn and Grow Together. We will be talking mostly about camping, hiking, and a little woodcraft. My favorite part of all these is the gear that goes with it. We will go through everything I own and still want (trust me there is a lot) that will make the outdoors more comfortable and fun for everyone. The more thoughts and ideas shared the more we Learn, Create, and Unite. Be an active part of something big and find your place here at Wolf Pack Woodcraft.

How To Clean A Rusty Knife!!!

I get asked how to clean a rusty knife all the time. In this video, I will show the tools I use to erase rust and maintain my knives. Also, how I build the confidence to use my more expensive knives.
Rust Eraser –

Mora Companion –

DC4 Sharpener –

For more information go to

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Wolf Pack Woodcraft Merchandise –…

I get all my YouTube Thumbnails and Tags from TubeBuddy!!!